Meg 2: The Trench Stoned Review

2023 PG-13 Action/Adventure 1h 56m

8/10/20233 min read

"Mega High, Mega Letdown: 'Meg 2: The Trench' Swims in Comical Absurdity"

"Meg 2: The Trench" proved to be a hilarious ride when viewed in a heightened state of mind. While it might not be everyone's idea of a great movie, my elevated senses turned it into a comical adventure that I unexpectedly -kind of- enjoyed. The over-the-top action, the larger-than-life shark antics, and the B-movie charm all came together in a way that, quite frankly, left me laughing. Out of all the movies I have seen at the theater this year, this takes home the award of worst movie of the year. If it wasn't for an elevated stated of mind, I probably would have walked out of the movie. "Meg 2: The Trench" is an unfortunate sequel that takes the concept of cheesy to a whole new level. This film, attempting to ride the wave of the shark-horror genre, falls short on almost every front, leaving the audience with a cringe-worthy cinematic experience that is more laughable than thrilling. From the overused jump scares to the painfully predictable plot twists, the movie struggles to maintain any sense of seriousness, leaving you questioning why you even bothered to watch it in the first place.

Cliché-Ridden Dialogue: The dialogue in "Meg 2: The Trench" is a treasure trove of clichés and uninspired one-liners. The characters, who seem to have been written with cardboard cutouts in mind, exchange lines that feel straight out of a low-budget action movie from the '90s. The attempts at drama often fall flat, leaving the viewer disconnected and, at times, rolling their eyes at the predictable exchanges. The dialogue was just painfully bad, and being high only amplified the cringe factor. The characters' interactions felt forced, and their attempts at seriousness often resulted in unintentional hilarity. The lines that were meant to evoke tension or emotion ended up being so melodramatic that they prompted giggles rather than engagement.

Corny Shark Antics: The sharks, supposed to be the film's main draw, end up being the very thing that pushes it into the realm of unintentional comedy. The filmmakers seemed to have forgotten that less is often more when it comes to building suspense. Instead, the sharks' antics border on the absurd, with seemingly superhuman abilities and an uncanny knack for popping up at the most opportune moments. It's hard to take the film seriously when the creatures act more like cartoon villains than terrifying predators. This movie, aiming for shark-infested thrills, left me in fits of laughter rather than gripping my seat with suspense. My altered state heightened the film's flaws, turning it into a ridiculous spectacle that left much to be desired in terms of genuine entertainment. The sharks, which should have been the film's stars, ended up being the punchline of the entire experience. Their behavior, ranging from illogical to comically over-the-top, left me wondering if I was watching a parody rather than a legitimate shark-horror flick. The absurdity of the sharks' actions, coupled with my altered state, had me laughing at their seemingly calculated (yet utterly improbable) appearances.

Predictable Plot Twists: If you're looking for a movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat with unexpected plot twists, "Meg 2: The Trench" is not it. The film follows a formulaic path, hitting every trope along the way, making it painfully obvious where the story is headed. Even the attempts at surprises felt like they were copied from a playbook of clichés, leaving the viewer feeling unsatisfied and uninspired. The dialogue was painfully bad, and being high only amplified the cringe factor. The characters' interactions felt forced, and their attempts at seriousness often resulted in unintentional hilarity. The lines that were meant to evoke tension or emotion ended up being so melodramatic that they prompted giggles rather than engagement.

Lacking Thrills: Despite the shark-infested premise, the film struggles to generate any genuine thrills. The jump scares are predictable, and the action sequences lack the intensity needed to make them truly exciting. It's as if the filmmakers relied on the mere presence of sharks to carry the suspense, forgetting that a well-constructed story line and genuinely thrilling moments are essential to creating a successful shark-horror film. The movie's plot twists were telegraphed from a mile away, leaving no room for genuine suspense. The twists that were meant to be shocking were met with chuckles of disbelief, as they seemed more like recycled tropes from countless other forgettable action films. It's as if the filmmakers were checking off a list of clichés, resulting in a story that was not only predictable but painfully unoriginal.

Conclusion: "Meg 2: The Trench" falls flat in its attempt to deliver a thrilling and suspenseful cinematic experience. The corny dialogue, over-the-top shark antics, predictable plot twists, and a general lack of genuine thrills make it a forgettable addition to the shark-horror genre. Instead of leaving you on the edge of your seat, the film often leaves you shaking your head in disbelief at the missed opportunities and the abundance of cheesiness on display. The movie was an unintended comedy of errors when viewed in a heightened state of mind. My altered perspective, rather than enhancing the experience, illuminated the film's flaws, highlighting its inability to deliver the excitement and suspense it aimed for. If you're looking for a movie that provides genuine thrills, "Meg 2: The Trench" is likely to leave you swimming in waves of unintended laughter and disbelief.